Friday, June 4, 2010


There are various types of pollution like noise,nuclear,chemical,smoke but the most common and dangerous is smoke and chemical pollution.All over earth it is spread automatically and cause unfavorable condition for all flora and fauna .The most important thing is that human is primary source of this hazard. Various Technology used for solve this problem like solar energy ,bioengineering. The main cause of pollution is vehicles .there are about 810 million vehicles in the world at 2009 report they burn over 260 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel yearly which produce enough pollution to decay earth and with unsustainable cutting of forest make condition even worse.
Water pollution also cause much destruction .Two inorganic plant nutrients of major concern are nitrogen and phosphorus. They come primarily from septic tanks, barnyards, heavily fertilized crops, and sewage treatment plants, and cause excessive plant growth that clogs navigable waterways. Bacterial decay of plants in the fall result in a drop in dissolved oxygen, which may suffocate fish and other organisms.
The solution is that we clear that we can relay most of the time on public vehicles ,use PUC (pollution under control vehicles) ,avoid poly thin ,use renewable resource.
and last but most important is that convince other to this,and spread awareness to other people also.
" Develop Green Engineering ,save Nature Engineering ".

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nature Engineering

Nature Engineering:- Engineering is not only confine to artificial thing you can also engineer nature,where you will get unique non ending resource like sunlight,rain water ,air ,trees,rivers, various type flora and fauna,helpful species. we have to only utilize and engineered this nature gift in a way that the use of these gift will not cause any adverse effect on earth or nature. In today life we dig hundreds of feet for water. take water out for this the level of water inside earth going down and down .also city which are made up of concrete will block the water going inside the earth .water directly flow towards the river and which causes flood. so we have that water level drooping for this we have to use rain water preserving technique called water harvesting. water harvesting can we done on any level like for small home,any city apartment ,village,fields , we have to collect rain water from roofs and store than to proper place by which it will not flow to river. Now ,we have sunlight which is the source of all form of energy .we can help country by making efficient solar panel ,encourage farmers and citizen by developing solar equipment according to the requirement.another wonderful way to use solar energy is planting useful plants which will not only medical herbs,fruits but also prevent from various nature calamity like flood,uneven rain.
" Develop Green Engineering ,save Nature Engineering ".

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Engineers Earth

Engineers :-
Basically Engineers are that who would maximize the available resource and make required object .Engineering can be done in all fields available in universe.
Its is the fact that human mind always want to do some thing new from this quality human was changed from early man to 20th century man .all the work invention done by human race to change from early man to 20th century man is engineering.

Early man work are the classical example of engineering .they made tools,home,transport facility all the things .so engineering is the gift from god to human by which he/she will be make his life easy,comfortable.
But the point is that we have to use engineering in the positive way. if we destroy nature engineering than it definitely destroy our engineering. because nature provide environment to develop our engineering .so
" Develop Green Engineering ,save Nature Engineering ".