Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nature Engineering

Nature Engineering:- Engineering is not only confine to artificial thing you can also engineer nature,where you will get unique non ending resource like sunlight,rain water ,air ,trees,rivers, various type flora and fauna,helpful species. we have to only utilize and engineered this nature gift in a way that the use of these gift will not cause any adverse effect on earth or nature. In today life we dig hundreds of feet for water. take water out for this the level of water inside earth going down and down .also city which are made up of concrete will block the water going inside the earth .water directly flow towards the river and which causes flood. so we have that water level drooping for this we have to use rain water preserving technique called water harvesting. water harvesting can we done on any level like for small home,any city apartment ,village,fields , we have to collect rain water from roofs and store than to proper place by which it will not flow to river. Now ,we have sunlight which is the source of all form of energy .we can help country by making efficient solar panel ,encourage farmers and citizen by developing solar equipment according to the requirement.another wonderful way to use solar energy is planting useful plants which will not only medical herbs,fruits but also prevent from various nature calamity like flood,uneven rain.
" Develop Green Engineering ,save Nature Engineering ".

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